It's Thursday and that only means we're one day from Friday!! Woot woot.
I'm eating breakfast at work right now. I made an english muffin with canadian bacon, egg, and cheese. I absolutely love that I can make it here at work too! Everyone's always so jealous. :]
So what goals do I have in store this year besides the Austin 10/20 and Capitol 10k?.....hold onto your horses, this girl is registering for a half marathon! I'm very excited, nervous, anxious. Even if I don't actually run the race until next year I want to register for a half marathon this year. I want this half marathon to be more fun then work, so that means I want to travel to a new-to-me city. I live in Austin but really want to travel and complete my first half marathon at the same time. Does anyone have any suggestions of half marathons for beginners. One's that are fun? In a beautiful city? Easier?
Please let me know which you'd choose and why.
On another note, Mom and I will be going on a cruise this year. It's been way too long since my last one. Right at about 3 years. We haven't finished sorting the details and picking which cruise but we are almost positive that it will be in March. I'm super excited. It will just be my Mom and I and Gentleman Jack of course. Have you gone on a cruise before? If not, I highly suggest it. It is very relaxing and definitely my idea of a true vacation.
I just really feel like I need a vacation away from social media, work, and just to have some alone time. Don't get me wrong, I love being with my friends and My Love but sometimes I get so stressed on trying to make everyone else happy that I tend to forget about what makes me happy. I know we've all felt a little down and under because we just have to much on our plate. Now it's ME time and I am going to take advantage.
So for that week I will not be blogging at all! Hell, I won't even be able to use my phone.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Dinner and Pretty Little Secrets
Is it barely Monday?
I really wish I had an extra day this weekend. I feel worn out. But I'm sure most of us can relate to that feeling. It may be from the extra workouts I've been putting in this week!! I really have been challenging myself to participate in activites I've always avoided because I was too scared such as cycling and body pump. I've also picked up some old habits that once made me happy and content such as really starting to build my friendships further.
In the recent past, I was kind of pushing my friends out. Not on purpose, just because of a lack of time. I was not attempting to make it a point to hang out with them. I know that everytime I do they bring such joy and happiness into my life. I love it and that's what I've remembered more recently. I have to keep putting things back into my life that bring me those feelings.
I started hanging out with them a lot again lately and it feels good. Another thing is that I have FINALLY picked out a book that I am currently reading. Pretty Little Secrets. Hey, don't judge. It keeps me entertained. I'm thinking about getting a library card next. I remember as a kid walking out of the library with a stack full of books, literally above my head. I had two weeks before I had to return them and I would easily finish all 13 books like nothing. I am so ready to get back into it again.
So body pump....lets talk about that. Why was a grandma lifting heavier weights then me? I shouln't get mad...that's just rude. But it did make me think about how much body pump can really help you. The lady knew all the moves and I could tell she was regular. Obviously body pump has created her into a pretty strong lady. If I stick with it I know results are soon to come. I am still so very sore from it. It was only my first day and it really did hurt. And if your wondering, it is wayyyy different than crossfit.
On to the most imortant subject.......DINNER!!
Dinner today was something I had not made before. I wish I could have gotten a picture for you. I ended up making Chicken and Dumplings for the first time and it actually came out great. I love when I surprise myself. :]]]
Saturday, January 26, 2013
first spin class rpm
i did my first spin class today.!!! woot woot
why have i been so scared? it was awesome. i loved it.
i showed up to class a little early to let theinstructor know that it was my first time. it appeared that everyone there already knew eachother. they seemed like a close family. instead of that making me feel awkward it was actually more welcoming.
the instructor helped me set up my bike to my preferences and i also had my heart rate monitor. my heart rate reached 184. itqwws never reached that amount when i am running, so that was a surprise to see. i also budrned over 500 calories in that hour. awesomesauce.
they are hosting a giveaway this month. all you hsve to do is attend the classes and each time yu go you are entered into a drawing. i am very competitive so i see lots more spin classes in my future.
i highly recommend this class to everyone. it is very low impact and tons of fun.
i dont have any plans today except maybe to go see my loves niece play in her volleyball tournament. i loved playing volleyball and think it would be awesome to go see her play. it would be even more awesome if the coach needed a helper....wink wink
have you ever taken a spin class?
why have i been so scared? it was awesome. i loved it.
i showed up to class a little early to let theinstructor know that it was my first time. it appeared that everyone there already knew eachother. they seemed like a close family. instead of that making me feel awkward it was actually more welcoming.
the instructor helped me set up my bike to my preferences and i also had my heart rate monitor. my heart rate reached 184. itqwws never reached that amount when i am running, so that was a surprise to see. i also budrned over 500 calories in that hour. awesomesauce.
they are hosting a giveaway this month. all you hsve to do is attend the classes and each time yu go you are entered into a drawing. i am very competitive so i see lots more spin classes in my future.
i highly recommend this class to everyone. it is very low impact and tons of fun.
i dont have any plans today except maybe to go see my loves niece play in her volleyball tournament. i loved playing volleyball and think it would be awesome to go see her play. it would be even more awesome if the coach needed a helper....wink wink
have you ever taken a spin class?
Friday, January 25, 2013
Friday Facts
Happy Friday! Finally...
It seems that even with having Monday off to celebrate MLK day, the week seemed to drag on and on. I felt like Thursday really should have been Friday. Don't you?
1. This morning I woke up at 5:30 and made it to work by 6:30. It's starting to become a routine. No one was here. It was kinda nice.
2. My favorite cereal involves mixing two cereals. H-E-B (Texas grocery store) brand Granola. It's chocolate granola with Dark chocolate pieces. Sooo yummy but too sweet for me. And I like to mix it with Post Great Grains Crunch Pecans. It contains multi grain clusters, scoops of wholesome pecans, and fiber rich whole grain flakes. On it's own it's too bland for me. But when I mix the two together...Majic happens.
3. Today for lunch I'll be heading to Cabo Bob's. It is sooo delicious and wayyyy better than Chipotle or Freebirds. You should definitely take a look at their menu. There is only one in Austin so it is always packed but so soooo worth it.
4. Yesterday I had an extended lunch so a friend and I decided to go do the trail I did the day before. It was very nice having someone there with me.
Please ignore the cigarette. I'm working on it.
5. I just got paid yesterday and after paying for the Electric Run, buying groceries, paying for my phone bill, and giving Drew money, I am already broke. YESSSS! Don't you just love that. But it's okay because income tax and bonus' should be coming out soon. I don't have to skip clothes shopping for too much longer.
6. Sometime next month I will be going to RunTex to get them to figure out the way I run and get the pair of shoes that fits the way I move. I am super excited about this. I should be able to break them in by my two big races in April, right?
I will make sure to take plenty of pictures this weekend! And i'll definitely take a picture of the delicious food I'll be eating today at Cabo Bob's.
Have a great weekend!
Have you ever gone to get your running analysis?
What are your plans for the weekend?
Have you ever tried trail running?
It seems that even with having Monday off to celebrate MLK day, the week seemed to drag on and on. I felt like Thursday really should have been Friday. Don't you?
1. This morning I woke up at 5:30 and made it to work by 6:30. It's starting to become a routine. No one was here. It was kinda nice.
2. My favorite cereal involves mixing two cereals. H-E-B (Texas grocery store) brand Granola. It's chocolate granola with Dark chocolate pieces. Sooo yummy but too sweet for me. And I like to mix it with Post Great Grains Crunch Pecans. It contains multi grain clusters, scoops of wholesome pecans, and fiber rich whole grain flakes. On it's own it's too bland for me. But when I mix the two together...Majic happens.
3. Today for lunch I'll be heading to Cabo Bob's. It is sooo delicious and wayyyy better than Chipotle or Freebirds. You should definitely take a look at their menu. There is only one in Austin so it is always packed but so soooo worth it.
4. Yesterday I had an extended lunch so a friend and I decided to go do the trail I did the day before. It was very nice having someone there with me.
Please ignore the cigarette. I'm working on it.
5. I just got paid yesterday and after paying for the Electric Run, buying groceries, paying for my phone bill, and giving Drew money, I am already broke. YESSSS! Don't you just love that. But it's okay because income tax and bonus' should be coming out soon. I don't have to skip clothes shopping for too much longer.
6. Sometime next month I will be going to RunTex to get them to figure out the way I run and get the pair of shoes that fits the way I move. I am super excited about this. I should be able to break them in by my two big races in April, right?
I will make sure to take plenty of pictures this weekend! And i'll definitely take a picture of the delicious food I'll be eating today at Cabo Bob's.
Have a great weekend!
Have you ever gone to get your running analysis?
What are your plans for the weekend?
Have you ever tried trail running?
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Trail Run and upcoming exciting race
Good Morning!
I am already here at work and not suprised that I'm one of the only people here. I got here early due to boredom at the house and figured I'd write a blog that I've been meaning to post.
On Tuesday here at work I planned on going for a run around the neighborhood behind our building. The run immediately starts uphill so I was already breathing pretty heavily. I continued up the hill and saw the fence opening to the Barton Creek Trail. I was intrigued. I've walked it before but have never attempted to run it. I decided I would run it down and back. When I used to walk the trail my coworker and I were always looking for the "water" that was supposed to be down towards the bottom of the trail and we were never able to find it. Well ladies and gentleman (if there are any men reading this)...I found it!! I remember running and was so close to turning around to head back in...thats when I heard water....flowing water!! I ran past the thick tree's all bent over and contorting my body as to not hit the branches that could possibly scrape my body and I found this beauty.
It was so nice to just sit and relax and enjoy the water. The sound of the waterfall was so breathtaking. I sat that for a minute until it was time to head back up the trail. I thought I was going to be able to run the whole way up but it was kinda crazy. My legs are still so sore from that day. I give mad props to trail runners.
This past weekend I had my two best friends over, Angela and Alexis.
We have been friends since elementary school. It's always so nice to have them around. I love that we are still so close and unseperable. That night I let them know that they had no choice but to run the Electric Run with me. As soon as I showed them the video they were both down. Yay! This will be the first race that I get to have my friends run with me.
And of course, we had to get serious and get to practicing. Who would have thought they'd make LED hula hoops now... :] They are a blast and a pretty good workout too.
Have a great almost Friday.!
I am already here at work and not suprised that I'm one of the only people here. I got here early due to boredom at the house and figured I'd write a blog that I've been meaning to post.
On Tuesday here at work I planned on going for a run around the neighborhood behind our building. The run immediately starts uphill so I was already breathing pretty heavily. I continued up the hill and saw the fence opening to the Barton Creek Trail. I was intrigued. I've walked it before but have never attempted to run it. I decided I would run it down and back. When I used to walk the trail my coworker and I were always looking for the "water" that was supposed to be down towards the bottom of the trail and we were never able to find it. Well ladies and gentleman (if there are any men reading this)...I found it!! I remember running and was so close to turning around to head back in...thats when I heard water....flowing water!! I ran past the thick tree's all bent over and contorting my body as to not hit the branches that could possibly scrape my body and I found this beauty.
It was so nice to just sit and relax and enjoy the water. The sound of the waterfall was so breathtaking. I sat that for a minute until it was time to head back up the trail. I thought I was going to be able to run the whole way up but it was kinda crazy. My legs are still so sore from that day. I give mad props to trail runners.
This past weekend I had my two best friends over, Angela and Alexis.
We have been friends since elementary school. It's always so nice to have them around. I love that we are still so close and unseperable. That night I let them know that they had no choice but to run the Electric Run with me. As soon as I showed them the video they were both down. Yay! This will be the first race that I get to have my friends run with me.
And of course, we had to get serious and get to practicing. Who would have thought they'd make LED hula hoops now... :] They are a blast and a pretty good workout too.
Have a great almost Friday.!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
3 miler and no family feud
yesterday my family was supposed to go to the family feud auditions. so of course i was pumped an ready to go yesterday morning. then last minute something came up and we weren't able to audition. of course i was disappointed.
i headed to the gym ready to do a hardcore workout. i guess i was a bit too early bc the gym wasnt even open. i hesitated for a moment but bit the bullet and headed downtown to run town lake. i was greeted by this beautiful view ...
Friday, January 18, 2013
Fun Friday Facts
Hello Blogger Buddies!!
Well it's Friday and that can only mean one thing. Time to partayyy!! I wanted to write a random blog today that I want to start doing every Friday. Just a random post to wrap up the week.
1. My bestfriend just called me this morning claiming that she woke up in my boyfriend Andrew's best friends house. (she swears they didn't do anything) :] I see double-dates in our future!
2. This morning I got all dressed thinking I looked cute. Ummm yeah. I wore white pants that have already been worn once. I left them on the floor....and well, I guess my dog Kujo decided to pee on them a little. EMBARASSING. I tried to do that whole rock climbing or soccer mom look and tie a jacket around my waist, it didn't work to well. My mom thought maybe I made the other "girl" mistake. So here I am wondering if I should go home to change or forget about it.'s Friday. FORGET ABOUT IT :]]]
3. I started picking up my workouts again. Hurray! It's about time. Just for fun yesterday I ran a 5k. I could have continued to. I was just feeling it. I had no music, just time to think. It was an awesome run. I'll probably be doing a 4-5 miler this weekend. I've also been working out here at work. We have an awesome gym for it being a work gym. It's way better than my apartment gym.
4. Today I will either workout at the gym or treat myself to a Charley's Sub chicken cheeseteak. Please tell me someone has had one and has tried the deliciousness involved in every bite.
Until Later,
MissFit Mixed Chick
Well it's Friday and that can only mean one thing. Time to partayyy!! I wanted to write a random blog today that I want to start doing every Friday. Just a random post to wrap up the week.
1. My bestfriend just called me this morning claiming that she woke up in my boyfriend Andrew's best friends house. (she swears they didn't do anything) :] I see double-dates in our future!
2. This morning I got all dressed thinking I looked cute. Ummm yeah. I wore white pants that have already been worn once. I left them on the floor....and well, I guess my dog Kujo decided to pee on them a little. EMBARASSING. I tried to do that whole rock climbing or soccer mom look and tie a jacket around my waist, it didn't work to well. My mom thought maybe I made the other "girl" mistake. So here I am wondering if I should go home to change or forget about it.'s Friday. FORGET ABOUT IT :]]]
3. I started picking up my workouts again. Hurray! It's about time. Just for fun yesterday I ran a 5k. I could have continued to. I was just feeling it. I had no music, just time to think. It was an awesome run. I'll probably be doing a 4-5 miler this weekend. I've also been working out here at work. We have an awesome gym for it being a work gym. It's way better than my apartment gym.
4. Today I will either workout at the gym or treat myself to a Charley's Sub chicken cheeseteak. Please tell me someone has had one and has tried the deliciousness involved in every bite.
Until Later,
MissFit Mixed Chick
Thursday, January 10, 2013
1 year ago I lost a best friend
I hate to write sad wommmp wommmp posts, but today unfortunately calls for one.
I've shared with you all in a previous post about the tragic, unexpected death of my dear friend Kelsey. Well this New Years was not only the celebration of my 3 year anniversary with my boyfriend Andrew, but it was also the celebration of Kelsey's move to be with God. January 1st Kelsey was the first person that died in Austin in 2012.
On New Years it was too hard to go visit her. But I did manage to hold in the tears last weekend to go see her resting place. I remember that her family was having trouble raising enough money to buy her a headstone, so when I would go visit I had to remember exactly where we had buried her because there was no headstone to point it out.
When I arrived to Kelsey's resting place, I was greeted with the most beautiful headstone I've ever seen in my life. It was something Kelsey definitely deserved.
Isn't that beautiful???
I cried as soon as I saw it. It is the very best of the best and she deserves nothing less.
While there I lit a Curve incens. It smelled wonderful. I stood there and thought about all the good times we shared together, everything I learned from her, and realized that a big part of the reason why I am who I am is because of her.
She made me strong, fearless, less insecure about myself, goofy and a very loving person.
It's always hard to lose someone physically, but I still haven't lost her. She is still very much with me and apart of me.
I've shared with you all in a previous post about the tragic, unexpected death of my dear friend Kelsey. Well this New Years was not only the celebration of my 3 year anniversary with my boyfriend Andrew, but it was also the celebration of Kelsey's move to be with God. January 1st Kelsey was the first person that died in Austin in 2012.
On New Years it was too hard to go visit her. But I did manage to hold in the tears last weekend to go see her resting place. I remember that her family was having trouble raising enough money to buy her a headstone, so when I would go visit I had to remember exactly where we had buried her because there was no headstone to point it out.
When I arrived to Kelsey's resting place, I was greeted with the most beautiful headstone I've ever seen in my life. It was something Kelsey definitely deserved.
Isn't that beautiful???
I cried as soon as I saw it. It is the very best of the best and she deserves nothing less.
While there I lit a Curve incens. It smelled wonderful. I stood there and thought about all the good times we shared together, everything I learned from her, and realized that a big part of the reason why I am who I am is because of her.
She made me strong, fearless, less insecure about myself, goofy and a very loving person.
It's always hard to lose someone physically, but I still haven't lost her. She is still very much with me and apart of me.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Emotional Little Baby
Hello Everyone!!
I'm sitting here at work in a crabby mood. I'm in the process of quitting cigarettes and I've been a hot mess lately. I mean crying all day for 3 days now. I know I just need to quit being a little baby. Just get over it. My boyfriend Drew has probably just about had it up to here with me. I thank him for dealing with me while I'm going through this.
So January 1st, was our 3 year anniversary. I love you Andrew. I can't believe how fast yet so slow it goes. :] We spent the day with me being groggy on day 1 of no cigarettes. I was literally crying because it was taking him too long to fix his car. #quittingsucks Finally when I calmed down we went and ate dinner at Texas Roadhouse. For some reason I never get steaks at restaurants...I don't know whats the deal with that. I've been making some bad decisions these past years. We started off with their delicious hot rolls with cinammon butter. OMG! We each ordered a margarita and split their potato wedges. I was already so full but knew I had a big plate of food coming my way. For my main course I got a Ft. Worth Ribeye Steak delicioussss... I ordered it with grilled onions and brown gravy but the waiter some how managed to forget to put that on the ticket.
How long have you been with your significant other?
I'm sitting here at work in a crabby mood. I'm in the process of quitting cigarettes and I've been a hot mess lately. I mean crying all day for 3 days now. I know I just need to quit being a little baby. Just get over it. My boyfriend Drew has probably just about had it up to here with me. I thank him for dealing with me while I'm going through this.
So January 1st, was our 3 year anniversary. I love you Andrew. I can't believe how fast yet so slow it goes. :] We spent the day with me being groggy on day 1 of no cigarettes. I was literally crying because it was taking him too long to fix his car. #quittingsucks Finally when I calmed down we went and ate dinner at Texas Roadhouse. For some reason I never get steaks at restaurants...I don't know whats the deal with that. I've been making some bad decisions these past years. We started off with their delicious hot rolls with cinammon butter. OMG! We each ordered a margarita and split their potato wedges. I was already so full but knew I had a big plate of food coming my way. For my main course I got a Ft. Worth Ribeye Steak delicioussss... I ordered it with grilled onions and brown gravy but the waiter some how managed to forget to put that on the ticket.
(not my picture...but close enough)
Instead of the baked potato, I got regular loaded mashed potatoes, and a side of chili. I was only able to eat a couple bites of each before I was miserable. Drew insisted that we order another Margarita. I ordered their Skinny Lime margarita and it was a bit too "limey" for my liking.
After a nice dinner and plenty of leftovers, we headed to go pick up a new blu ray movie to enjoy for the night. We ended up picking out The Dark Knight Rises. We got home watched 13 minutes of it before we were both passed out on the couch. So much for movie night.
Check out this wordle thing! It's words that I've used many times in my blog this year. I love the idea. Looks awesome too! I love how Drew is one of the biggest words.

Check out this wordle thing! It's words that I've used many times in my blog this year. I love the idea. Looks awesome too! I love how Drew is one of the biggest words.

How long have you been with your significant other?
Have you ever smoked cigarettes and quit? How'd you do it?
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