Monday, January 28, 2013

Dinner and Pretty Little Secrets

Is it barely Monday?
I really wish I had an extra day this weekend. I feel worn out. But I'm sure most of us can relate to that feeling. It may be from the extra workouts I've been putting in this week!! I really have been challenging myself to participate in activites I've always avoided because I was too scared such as cycling and body pump. I've also picked up some old habits that once made me happy and content such as really starting to build my friendships further.
 In the recent past, I was kind of pushing my friends out. Not on purpose, just because of a lack of time. I was not attempting to make it a point to hang out with them. I know that everytime I do they bring such joy and happiness into my life. I love it and that's what I've remembered more recently. I have to keep putting things back into my life that bring me those feelings.
I started hanging out with them a lot again lately and it feels good. Another thing is that I have FINALLY picked out a book that I am currently reading. Pretty Little Secrets. Hey, don't judge. It keeps me entertained. I'm thinking about getting a library card next. I remember as a kid walking out of the library with a stack full of books, literally above my head. I had two weeks before I had to return them and I would easily finish all 13 books like nothing. I am so ready to get back into it again.

So body pump....lets talk about that. Why was a grandma lifting heavier weights then me? I shouln't get mad...that's just rude. But it did make me think about how much body pump can really help you. The lady knew all the moves and I could tell she was regular. Obviously body pump has created her into a pretty strong lady. If I stick with it I know results are soon to come. I am still so very sore from it. It was only my first day and it really did hurt. And if your wondering, it is wayyyy different than crossfit.
On to the most imortant subject.......DINNER!!
Dinner today was something I had not made before. I wish I could have gotten a picture for you. I ended up making Chicken and Dumplings for the first time and it actually came out great. I love when I surprise myself. :]]]

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