Friday, June 28, 2013

Everyone's Motivation but My Own

It didn't really occur to me until recently that I have encouraged a lot of people in the past to start working out and taking care of themselves.

I didn't realize this until I fell off the healthy living bandwagon and others began to notice. They weren't saying "oh, your gaining weight what happened"...(actually that might have worked) but instead they are saying "I need your motivation." What does that mean exactly?

I think the difference is before I was always in a great mood, always talking about my workouts, and always talking about my upcoming races. They knew that I had lost 120 pounds and were so inspired. But I stopped for some reason, I'm not exactly sure why except for lazyness or maybe getting comfortable at the size I was. But now, I'm so angry at myself for stopping.

I feel that I've let myself down and the other people that I had inspired. It's time to get back on track. Many of the people actually work at my job and have suggested that I start and lead a mini bootcamp in the mornings before work to help them get motivated. But how do you motivate someone when you are not motivated yourself?

I think my motivation will actually stem from what I've learned recently. That I INSPIRE OTHERS. I love that feeling, I want to rub off healthy living on others. I am getting started this morning. I will not let anything get in the way of me reaching my goal.

Are you ready? I think I'm gonna start some new classes and let you guys know how it goes.
Maybe some yoga, cycling, bootcamp classes...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Gender Reveal Party [Video]

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We are all gonna have to do it soon...So I finally did it today!

Hope you guys are having an awesome Wednesday. I know I am. I hosted my brother and sister-in-law's gender reveal party last night....It's a GIRLLLL!

My brother looks so scared when he found out it was a girl haha. Amber was super excited!! So was I. Madisyn Grace will be spoiled rotten :]

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Real Ugly Truth

I've been missing. I know! Kill me now.

& it definitely shows. I think I've gained 10 pounds. OUCH!!! I also feel like shit, both mentally and physically. It's time to get my butt back in gear. I need to stop putting off working out because it honestly makes me feel 10x better when I do.

Do I have any good excuses as to why I've been missing?


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Total Fitness Wednesday!!!

Happy Wednesday! And Happy National Running Day!!! Woot Woot. Party over here, Party over there.....Actually there is a party going on. It's a bloghop kinda party.

Total Fitness Wednesday is hosted by Asphalt and Trails.
                   If you would like to join, check out her page and find out the guidelines!!!
      It sure is hot here in Texas! So I wanted to give some quick tips on how to beat the heat.

Yesterday I went for a run, and just about died after 1 mile...1 freakin mile. I felt so heavy, hot, and couldn't see shit b/c the sun was so bright. Clouds, Wind, Rain, please come soon.
1. Drink extra water throughout the day. You'll be sweating extra when you're out running in the heat so it's important to be well hydrated.
2. I tried to avoid areas of direct heat as much as possible so I tried to run in shady neighborhoods. Another good idea would be to go run in a park.
3. Wear Sunglasses to avoid loosing your eyeballs. Seriously. I wouldn't have been able to see if a car was right in front of me.
4. If you don't normally eat something try to eat something very small like a mini cliff bar or something to give you that extra energy that the sun drains out of you.
5. After running jump into the nearest pool. I would do it to just relax and get cool but now that I think about it you could turn it into a little exercise too.
6. How about avoiding going in the middle of the day?!!? Duh. I know some of us have no choice or are too lazy to wake up to early or to lazy to run after eating dinner. Sucks for us because we'll have to run in the heat. But you early birds and night owls got it made.
7. Trade some of your outside runs for the Dreadmill. I know it can be difficult to run on the treadmill because of boredom but you'll be thankful you did instead of being in the heat.
8. I'd say wear a hat. But I don't even do that. I feel like it doesn't give my noggin room to breathe. I like to sweat and then feel the wind from my "super speedy" runs, so no hat for me.
9. Something that won't help you feel cooler but that you definitely need to do if you are running longer distances, wear SUNSCREEN! Keep your skin beautiful and healthy.
10. You could have your boyfriend/husband/friend follow you in a car as you run and throw ginormous water buckets at you every 5 minutes...but really ain't no body got time for that.